
FUNtoFEM can be executed by writing a Python script. Tha main components are the import section, MPI set-up, model creation, instantiation of discipline solvers, and calling the relevant routines.

Import Modules

At the beginning of your Python script, it is important to import the appropriate modules. In the following code excerpt, modelTACS refers to a Python class which defines the structural model.

import os, sys
from funtofem import *
from pyoptsparse import SNOPT, Optimization
from mpi4py import MPI


FUNtoFEM employs MPI to enable multiple processes to run in parallel. The next section of the Python script handles the MPI set-up.


Model Architecture

FUNtoFEM uses model classes to organize the design and coupling data related to a given problem. The model is made up of bodies and scenarios. A model is first created by calling the FUNtoFEMmodel function. Bodies, scenarios, and design variables can then be added to the model. For example:

# Create model
model = FUNtoFEMmodel('myModel')

# Create a body called 'body0'
body0 = Body('body0', group=0, boundary=1)
# Add thickness as a structural design variable to the body
t = 0.025
svar = Variable('thickness', value=t, lower=1e-3, upper=1.0)
body0.add_variable('structural', svar)

# Set number of iterations (steps)
steps = 20

# Add a 'cruise' scenario
cruise = Scenario('cruise', steps=steps)

# Add a 'drag' function
drag = Function('cd', analysis_type='aerodynamic')

# Add the body to the model after the variables

Shortcuts to creating bodies, scenarios, and a FUNtoFEMmodel are available with new formulation. Classmethods for variables include structural(), aerodynamic(), shape(). Classmethods for bodies include aeroelastic(), aerothermal(), aerothermoelastic(). Classmethods for scenarios include steady(), unsteady(). Classmethods for functions include ksfailure(), mass(), lift(), drag(). Registration methods are available for bodies and scenarios to the model, variables to the body or scenario, and functions to be included in a scenario.

# Create model and body
model = FUNtoFEMmodel('myModel')
body = Body.aeroelastic('body0', boundary=1)

# Add thickness as a structural design variable to the body
     lower=1e-3, value=0.025, upper=1.0

# register body to model

# Add a 'cruise' scenario and register to model
cruise = Scenario.steady('cruise', steps=20).include(Function.drag()).include(Function.mass())

Discipline Solvers

After the model has been defined, instantiate the specific discipline solvers with a call to Fun3dInterface for the fluid solver and a call to TacsSteadyInterface or TacsUnsteadyinterface for the structural solver.

# Instantiate the flow and structural solvers
bdf_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "meshes", "nastran_CAPS.dat") # dat file from tacsAIM includes .bdf file + constraints, loads, dvs

solvers = SolverManager(comm)
solvers.flow = Fun3dInterface(comm, model, fun3d_dir=None, forward_options=None, adjoint_options=None)
solvers.flow.set_units(flow_dt=1.0, qinf=1.0)
solvers.structural = TacsSteadyInterface.create_from_bdf(model, comm, n_tacs_procs=1, bdf_filename=bdf_filename)

Building a Coupled Funtofem Driver

The problem driver is instantiated with a call to FUNtoFEMnlbgs.

# Specify the transfer scheme options
transfer_settings = TransferSettings(
     elastic_scheme="meld", thermal_scheme="meld",
     beta=0.5, npts=50, isym=1

# Instantiate the funtofem coupled driver
funtofem_driver = FUNtoFEMnlbgs(solvers, transfer_settings=transfer_settings, model=model)

Building a Tacs Oneway-Coupled Driver

Once a coupled driver is created with the ability to compute aerodynamic loads, the class method prime_loads() is used to create the driver. It automatically runs a forward analysis of the coupled driver, saves the aero loads and heat fluxes as states in the bodies and constructs the driver. An optimization manager for pyoptsparse or an openmdao component can then be made to proceed to optimization.

# option 1 use class method to prime loads
tacs_driver = TacsSteadyAnalysisDriver.prime_loads(funtofem_driver)

# option 2 prime the loads yourself
tacs_driver = TacsSteadyAnalysisDriver(solvers, model)

# then use solve_forward and solve_adjoint inside an optimizer function

Driver Call

In order to run simulations, calls to the driver are used. In this example, a value for the design variable (thickness) is set. Then solve_forward() is called to run the forward analysis and solve_adjoint() is called to run the adjoint analysis.

# Set variable value
x0 = np.array([0.025])

# Get the function value
fail = driver.solve_forward()
funcs0 = model.get_functions()
f0vals = []
for func in funcs0:
     if comm.rank == 0:
          print('Function value: ', func.value)

# Evaluate the function gradient
fail = driver.solve_adjoint()
grads = model.get_function_gradients()
if comm.rank == 0:
     print('Adjoint gradient: ', grads)