Interpolation between meshesΒΆ
One of the key features of TMR is that it can be used to generate a hierarchy of meshes for multigrid. TMR uses an interpolation code from TACS to define interpolations between different mesh levels. This example demonstrates this capability and the ability to create higher-order meshes. Note that the meshes need not be uniformly refined/coarsened.
This code consists of the following steps:
The geometry is created by importing a STEP file
Create the fine octree mesh with 4 nodes per edge with the Gauss-Lobatto nodes
Set the refinement array, refining the first element 4 times
Balance the mesh and repartition and create the nodes on the fine mesh
Make the coarse mesh and perform a random refinement
Create variable map objects in TACS needed for the interpolation object
Create the interpolations between the coarse and fine meshes
import os
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from tmr import TMR
from tacs import TACS
# Set the communicator
# The fine octree forest
fine = None
stepfile = 'beam.stp'
if os.path.isfile(stepfile):
# Load the geometry model
geo = TMR.LoadModel(stepfile)
# Mark the boundary condition faces
faces = geo.getFaces()
volumes = geo.getVolumes()
faces[4].setSource(volumes[0], faces[5])
# Create the mesh
mesh = TMR.Mesh(comm, geo)
# Set the meshing options
opts = TMR.MeshOptions()
opts.frontal_quality_factor = 1.25
opts.num_smoothing_steps = 10
opts.write_mesh_quality_histogram = 0
# Create the surface mesh
htarget = 4.0
mesh.mesh(htarget, opts)
# Create a model from the mesh
model = mesh.createModelFromMesh()
# Create the corresponding mesh topology from the mesh-model
topo = TMR.Topology(comm, model)
fine = TMR.OctForest(comm)
conn = np.array([[0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10],
[8, 11, 2, 5, 7, 10, 1, 4]], dtype=np.intc)
fine = TMR.OctForest(comm)
# Create the fine mesh
refine = np.zeros(len(fine.getOctants()), dtype=np.intc)
if comm.rank == 0:
refine[0] = 4
fine.setMeshOrder(4, TMR.GAUSS_LOBATTO_POINTS)
# Create a refinement array
octants = fine.getOctants()
refine = np.zeros(len(octants), dtype=np.intc)
for i in range(len(octants)):
if i % 7 == 0:
refine[i] = 2
elif i % 5 == 0:
refine[i] = -1
# Make the coarse tree finer than the fine tree for testing purposes
coarse = fine.duplicate()
coarse.setMeshOrder(2, TMR.GAUSS_LOBATTO_POINTS)
coarse_range = coarse.getNodeRange()
nc = coarse_range[comm.rank+1] - coarse_range[comm.rank]
coarse_map = TACS.VarMap(comm, nc)
fine_range = fine.getNodeRange()
nf = fine_range[comm.rank+1] - fine_range[comm.rank]
fine_map = TACS.VarMap(comm, nf)
# Create the two interpolations fine -> coarse and coarse -> fine
interp = TACS.VecInterp(coarse_map, fine_map, 1)
fine.createInterpolation(coarse, interp)
interp2 = TACS.VecInterp(fine_map, coarse_map, 1)
coarse.createInterpolation(fine, interp2)